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Cyborg Girl Effect | Photoshop Tutorial by Abdou Madara

 In this quick tutorial, I'll show you how to create a cyborg effect using photoshop.

We start with a picture of a girl, a mask I created and a 3D render of some mechanical parts. These were actually easier to create than you might think. In Cinema 4D, I changed the background image to show a picture of our subject. Then, I imported some generic sci-fi themed models from my library and aligned them to match the contours of her body.

Now let's head back to photoshop and start assembling our design. First of all we add a new layer and then select the Clone Stamp tool. 

We select a soft brush and set it to current and below. This allows us to non-destructively hide the woman, in the areas where we'll be adding our mechanical parts. 

Next we're going to make the gaps we created look cleaner. To do this we start by copying our mask onto the clipboard. Then we add a mask to the layer we've just created and click the mask box while holding down the alt or option key. This allows us to view the contents of the mask box, so we can paste our mask in. 

Next it's time to insert our mechanical parts into these gaps. We can easily do this by holding down the alt or option key and dragging the mask from the one we just created, to the mechanical parts layer. As you can see this a quick way to copy the mask over.

Our design is starting to look OK. But it would look even cooler if we could create a glass covering for our mechanical parts. To do this we duplicate the image of our girl, move it to the top of the layer stack and again, hold down the alt or option key, while dragging our mask onto it.

You might notice that the cables are now hidden, so we'll paint a quick adjustment to the mask to reveal them again. Then we add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer above it and change the hue to plus one hundred and eighty. 

We don't want this adjustment affecting the entire layer stack though so we clip it to the girl image by holding down the alt or option key, while hovering over the boundary between the two, and when the icon changes, clicking. To blend the effect in we lower the opacity to about thirty three percent.

Finally, it's time to add some seams, so she looks like she's been assembled on a production line. We add a new layer to the top of the layer stack and then change the blending mode to Soft Light. Then we go to Layer...Layer Style...Drop Shadow. I'll zoom in so you can see the settings I'm using, although you'll probably have to tweak them for your image.

Next we prepare a soft brush, reduce it to a small size and select a twenty five percent brightness grey. Then we open up the Paths tab and select the Pen tool. We're now ready to start drawing our seams.

To do this we draw points to create a line where we want our seam. If we want to make any adjustments we can hold down the Command or Control key and drag our points. Then, we right click, select Stroke Path from the menu and make sure it's set to Brush. Essentially the Stroke Path feature takes our brush and paints it along the path that we've just drawn. 

Now that we've added our stroke, we can deselect our path, by clicking on the New Path button; which is handy because it will save our previous path on a separate layer in case we want to redo it.

As you can see our layer styles and blending options have given it a cool 3D looking effect. We can now continue by adding more seams all over the body. I think these seams are actually quite important in making the whole cyborg effect come together.

As you can see, it's really easy to incorporate 3D elements into your designs in photoshop. And by learning to use 3D software like Cinema 4D, you'll become truly unlimited in terms of the images you can create.

That's it for this tutorial. If you enjoyed it please subscribe and click the like button. And I'll see you next time!

Cyborg Girl Effect | Photoshop Tutorial by Abdou Madara Cyborg Girl Effect | Photoshop Tutorial by Abdou Madara Reviewed by Abdou Madara on January 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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