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Furbliss Pet Brush Review

Furbliss dog brush

This post is sponsored by Furbliss. All opinions are my own
I’ve had multiple people tell me that they heard, or believed, that pugs were a non-shedding breed. When I hear that, it’s hard not to laugh. My pugs shed, and they shed quite a bit! Fawn pugs typically have a double coat which means they shed more than single-coat dogs. My pug Frank seems to shed quite a bit more than Beans does for some reason, but they both lose fur year-round. I try to brush them really thoroughly before bathing them, but no matter how long I brush them for, the tub ends up covered in fur.
Furbliss pet brushes
We were recently sent Furbliss pet brushes to test out. Furbliss dog brushes are made out of medical grade silicone so there are no harsh or sharp bristles. They come in four options, I used the short-haired brush for small dogs or cats on my pugs, which is the blue brush. These brushes are double-sided, with one having deeper nubs and thicker texture which can provide acupressure massage, brushing, cleaning and exfoliation. The backside is textured but is much flatter and can grasp loose hairs, aiding in deshedding, brushing, shampoo reservoir cells and can remove lint and fur from furniture. The brush can be used in water to help easily remove the fur it gathers or to aid in bathing your pet.

Furbliss pet brush short hair small pets

With many traditional dog brushes, my dogs start out excited to get brushed, but then keep trying to walk away. I think they are conflicted about whether it feels good or if it doesn’t. However, with the Furbliss brush they are eager to stay in place for as long as I want to brush them. I feel better knowing that the silicone isn’t scratching them or causing them any discomfort. My dogs have always hated having the sides of their legs and the front of their chests brushed, I suspect because the hair is very short in those areas. With the Furbliss, they don’t mind being brushed there, I suspect this is because the bristles do not dig in depiste their thin hair in those areas.

Furbliss pet brush

I never feel any snags or pulling when using the Furbliss like I experienced with other brushes. It fits in my hand really comfortably which is great with my dogs because it does take quite a while to get the job done. I also like how the brush is flexible, it allows me to apply pressure to different aspects of the brush, and bend the brush around their legs, shoulders, tails, etc with ease.
Consider Furbliss for your pets stocking or holiday gift!
Product Purchase Link : https://goo.gl/QNMhGL

Furbliss Pet Brush Review Furbliss Pet Brush Review Reviewed by Abdou Madara on January 17, 2018 Rating: 5

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