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Vintage Fashion Progress

Vintage Fashion
Create beautiful vintage fashion looks by giving your photos light, depth and amazing color. Follow along step-by-step to add additional elements to the foreground and background. Plus, learn retouching techniques for the entire body.
The subtlety of color.
Fashion images often involve a lot of very subtle color retouching. This is part of what sets them apart from editorial images. Learn the best ways to manipulate highlight colors, shadow colors and how to edit them in individual areas of your photos.
Create beautiful details.
Seamlessly combine multiple images, colors and add light to give your photos beautiful finishing details. In this tutorial, you will learn the fastest and easiest ways to keep all the details working together for the most natural look.

Included in Your Download

Our goal is to provide you with the most comprehensive learning experience possible. When you purchase the Retouching 101-301 Pack, you’ll get more than just videos. We provide everything you need to learn and practice at the same time!
$150.00 $129.99 Add to cart
  • 35 hours of step-by-step Photoshop & Lightroom instruction
  • 47 16-Bit RAW Images
  • 6 Full-Length Retouching Exercises
  • 30 Separate Lessons
  • Abdoumadara Actions & Brushes
  • Skin Tone Chart
  • 1080P 60 FPS Video Tutorials
  • Chapter-by-Chapter Table of Contents
Vintage Fashion Progress Vintage Fashion Progress Reviewed by Abdou Madara on February 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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