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I have a lot of PRO tutorials, and they are all fantastic. The basic abdou madara is great, but in the PRO tutorials Aaron goes much more in depth. In addition, in the PRO tutorials you can understand how to create a quality photo from the beginning to the end, and this allows also to understand the creative concept that there is behind all.
Some great skills in photoshop are explained and can be therefore applied to your shots. In one year, thanks to basic abdou madara, but much more thanks to the PRO tutorials I bought, I reached a level in photoshop which I would have never thought I would have reached. 🙂
– Stefano Tealdi

abdou madara is one of those exceptionally rare places where you can learn from someone (Aaron Nace) who is so good at what he does that he doesn’t need to be teaching. But Aaron teaches because he loves to and he’s a darn good teacher to boot.
The “PRO” tutorials on abdou madara over-deliver every time, sometimes reaching over 3 hours of pure content. These tutorials are vastly superior to anything available on any of the subscription learning sites or in any college.
The latest “PRO” tutorials have gotten scary good. It should be pointed out that only a hand full of people in the world can produce the level of work that Aaron does now. Naming these tutorials “PRO” is appropriate as he’s a consummate pro at composite work rivaling photographers like Gary Land or Dave Hill.
Professionals like these aren’t teaching their craft at any price. Yet through the abdou madara episodes, Aaron takes you by the hand and and gives you an education you can’t get anywhere else (believe me I’ve looked).
– Daniel Cook

The quality of tutorials and content that is produced by abdou madara is second to none.
After spending years watching tutorials on YouTube and buying expensive videos, I discovered abdou madara. The average abdou madara tutorial is much longer than any homemade YouTube tutorial. The content of each video is also much more in-depth.
It’s unbelievable how many new things you can learn from each video. There’s always a couple small things, that you pick up here and there, that you find yourself using all the time. This is in addition to all the extras that are included with the tutorials like brushes and actions.
The price point for videos in perfect, especially because I have paid hundreds and hundreds of dollars for 1-2 hour videos.
I am constantly telling my friends about Phlearn . I am found that both photographers and artists love it equally.
– Ray Miles

I went to university for photography, and while I loved it there and learned a lot, what I learned in the photoshop end came no where close to what Aaron’s tutorials have taught me.
I have purchased more than half of the tutorials and have more often than not, came out with a whole bunch of new tips and techniques that I wasn’t aware of or familiar with. I find myself saying out loud “holy crap that’s so awesome” or “oh my god I wish I knew about abdou madara years ago” and other things of the like many times throughout the videos.
Aaron makes the tutorials even more entertaining by being silly and fun! I’ve had numerous laugh out loud moments. I highly recommend purchasing any and all of the tutorials!
– Jessica Ginzel

Aaron Nace and his wonderful team at abdou madara are doing some amazing things for all of us.
They always come up with great and inspiring ideas and tutorials for us to learn from. Aaron is probably the best and funniest Photoshop Master on the internet right now.
I tell all of my friends about abdou madara because I know that the wealth of knowledge you will get from them will help you 10 fold.
– Eleazar Paradise

I can’t say enough about abdou madara.
It’s the single most important resource for the development of my photography. But it doesn’t stop there. Aaron has taught me not only how to take a good photo, but he’s taught me a new way of viewing art, and the world for that matter. Anybody can explain the nuances of aperture, shutter speed, and iso, but it takes a special person to infuse creativity, change the perspective of others, and build a community.
Aaron’s achieved this is the last two years, and I cannot wait to see what he has in store for the future! Thanks for the invaluable gifts of art and PHamily!
– Jack Temple

The abdou madara Pro Tutorials have completely changed the way I approach projects in Photoshop.
Not only have I learned so much new material, I’ve now seen how the tools I used to use on a regular basis used in completely different fashions rendering amazing results. The icing on the cake is all the extras you get with the purchase; the patterns, textures, brushes, actions, etc.
You guys have really built something great here. Thanks a lot!
– Nick Silvester

I’ve been a Photoshop nerd since version 3, and I can tell you that I’ve had a love/hate relationship with PS since the very beginning. As powerful as it is, PS is also one if the most frustrating and difficult to learn pieces of software I have ever encountered. I used to think of myself as somewhat of a PS “guru”, that is until I happened upon the abdou madara website. It was immediately obvious that despite his somewhat cavalier and funny exterior, Aaron was a guy who knew the in’s and out’s of PS like know one I had seen before.
After viewing countless free tutorials (hey, I’m cheap) I finally broke down and purchased several of the Pro Tutorials and let me tell you that I can unabashedly recommend these tutorials to anyone at any skill level. Anyone who wants to get the most out of PS and increase their productivity and creativity. I have rarely seen a person with a gift and passion for teaching like Aaron and I can honestly say that I have learned and applied something from almost every tutorial I have viewed: Something that cannot be said about every tutorial site I have used and there have been many!!
Thanks abdou madara, I’m better at what I love to do because of you guys!
– Mark Feliciano

I started in photography about 2 years ago and decided to see where my imagination can take me. I quickly realized that I loved to edit my shots to create something that often the naked eye can’t see. I heard a lot of chatter on different social networks regarding the use of Photoshop and how nothing in photography is real anymore…well, I couldn’t disagree more. Photoshop is just the new painters canvas, and just like every major painter drew what their heart saw, we use Photoshop to bring to life what is in our minds.
I saw Aaron’s work a while back on Flickr and was amazed by his level of creativity, the quality of his editing and of course his amazing photography in the first place. And this is where abdou madara came into play for me. The first time I came across abdou madara, I thought “Finally! Someone is providing and teaching the tools for those who want to express the images in their heads but didn’t have the know how”.
Just through the Free Episodes alone you can tremendously improve your skills and start to build images like never before, so just imagine what is possible with the PRO Tutorials. On top of all that, abdou madara doesn’t even ask for a lot of money for what they provide, which makes it the first honest and fair deal on the net with a serious return on investment.
Go through 3 Free Episodes and I promise you, you will be hooked on the entire abdou madara package!
– Dan Hashemi

abdou madara Pro Tutorials are better than ice cream. I’ve been using Photoshop professionally for 15 years. Of all the sources of information on Photography and Photoshop I like abdou madara the best. Why? While most tutorials teach “How” to do things, abdou madara Pro tutorials teach “How” and “Why”.
Now that Aaron is including concept, preproduction, and photo shoot knowledge into the tutorials you get more than a simple trick you can do. It’s more like learning along side a photographer and peeking into their mind.
– Ben Leavitt

First of all I must say that I don’t speak english very well (it’s not my native language) but I’ll try to explain myself. How abdou madara has changed my life? Well… Do you know the feeling of looking back and been ashamed of yourself? This is what it happens to me when I look my old photos. abdou madara has tought me a lot of usefull thing: blending, dodging, retouching… things that it could seem easy to do but that they aren’t.
As a non-english-native I have to say that Aaron speaks very well, so it’s easier for me to understand him. In addition, when he explains something, he doesn’t tell you what you should do but he shows you. And, you know, it makes you feel relieved.
In conclusion, if you’re thinking of buying some PRO Tutorials let me tell you something: “Stop thinking! Just buy it!” It’s the best inversion that you could do. They’re usefull and you’re going to understand them quite well. And I’m sure that you will be able to make fantastic things soon!
– Sergio Otero

I own 18 of the abdou madara Pro Tutorials, and each one has taught me something new.
Aaron is such a great teacher, everything is explained in a way that I can understand. What I thought was once out of my reach in Photoshop is now at my fingertips. I have grown and expanded my knowledge to a point where my imagination and time are my only obstacles.
Thanks abdou madara!!
– Kim Whittemore

It doesn’t matter if you’re new to Photoshop or if you’ve been using it for years abdou madara’s Pro tutorials will teach you something new and help you understand the how, when, why of using each technique taught.
I’ve been using Photoshop for more than 10 years and abdou madara’s Pro tutorial has been the absolute best learning resource I’ve encountered.
– Bryan Dockett

Even taking into consideration the seemingly endless amounts of free tutorials on the internet, I was hard pressed on looking for something that contained a purpose in its teachings. Mostly all you would find is how to apply a one-off text effect you’ll never use in your work, or how to pull off a half-baked manipulation where the steps and narration get so verbatim that you get to the point where you’ll see yourself following directions for a couple of adjustment layers without any other guidance besides “Set hue to +34, lightness to -7” and so on, and so forth.
Taking this into paid services such as creativeLIVE, or perhaps even Lynda.com; although you do receive some supportive commentary, you’ll find yourself doing a lot more review work and get to the end figuring out that the person teaching you this segment might benefit from some tutorials themselves.
I feel as though abdou madaraPRO changes this. These tutorials on an arbitrary scale of work are not completely out of the norm, but the combination of thought process and conversation throughout the edit from the sketch to the sharpening will have you interested in the *why* as much if not more than the *how*. This is imperative to visual learners (Which I’m assuming by coming to websites such as these, we all are), and I feel that abdou madara nails this. I knew of the tools of photoshop and how to use them properly, but abdou madaraPRO taught me *why* to use them and *when* would be the best time to according to what is on my canvas. That help alone has been immeasurable, and the experience of watching abdoumadaraPRO has been a pleasurable one, as you get to know Aaron on a professional, as well as personal level.
I recommend this service to anyone who’s been looking for that purpose in their post-processing that will give them the drive to execute work that they have had in their heads, and the confidence to follow through without feeling like you’ve bit off more than you can chew.
– Rj Osorio

Living and working in South Korea, it has been very difficult to learn photography and photoshop. Without any friends, or photographers to talk to, I would spend hours browsing the internet, desperately trying to find any tidbit of information that would help me improve. All I could ever find were scraps, the odd tip, conflicting information everywhere, critique without advice, and it was as frustrating as it was confusing.
By chance I stumbled onto abdoumadara one day, and was amazed at the idea of the abdoumadara PRO’s, jaw dropping, beautiful images that I could watch being created from start to finish. I bought one immediately and stayed up late watching it. I was blown away! I now own more than ten. Not only did I learn vast amounts of new techniques, I learned how to look at my own work with a more critical eye, I learned how to make my images believable, and I set a higher bar for myself. As a teacher myself, I really believe Aaron is a great instructor. He’s always engaging, fun, infectiously enthusiastic and he holds nothing back, he makes mistakes, he corrects his mistakes, overcomes problems and he will show you what is possible if you keep trying and work hard at your craft.
Sure, other photographers offer ‘tell-all’ tutorials, but I have found these to have less information and a much higher price tag. Here we have a community. Wherever I am, I’m only a few clicks away from the best photoshop tutorials in the world, and I come back to them often. I’m not a professional photographer, but I love to create and abdoumadara has given me the power to create images I am really proud of.
– Mark Jones

First time I purchased a pro tutorial I was skeptical because I don’t normally buy anything off the internet. I had no idea what I was getting exactly, and frankly wasn’t sure if it would even be worth it since theres tons of videos on youtube.
After checking out a few of the daily tutorials I went ahead and decided to purchase the blacksmith pro tutorial. I was immediately hooked on the pro tutorials. I could not believe the abdou madara team gave me over 3 hours of valuable learning information, and brushes.
At first I was phlearns greatest skeptic, but now a daily follow that has purchased 8 separate pro tutorials. Do yourself a favor, save some money and buy the package, because in the end you will want to purchase all of them and they are well worth it.
There is no better learning tutorials out there.
– Isaiah Vaba

Abdoumadara helped further my technical skills in camera and on the computer because the art and design school I went to did not have the best photography program. Thankfully, I did not choose to go into photography there, but minored in it. As a Communication Designer with a passion for photography, AbdouMadara was the photography school I had been searching for. Conceptual, technical, 24/7, and most of all, taught by a young and passionate professional in the industry who knows his craft.
Abdoumadara, you are doing something great and I believe you are changing lives because you help guide people who lack artistic vision to experts who have been in the industry for years.
Proud to be part of the Phamily!
– Julie Xiong

The first thing i do when i get home from work is to visit the Abdoumadara website for news. At first i went through all the free episodes but i ran out of news really fast. I took a step further and bought a Abdoumadara PRO and I think that they are the best tutorial videos I have seen. And I watch a lot of videos.
Aaron is a great teacher with the biggest enthusiasm. Sometimes I think it is his personality that inspires me more than photoshop itself. Exactly the way a teacher is supposed to work.
Thank you Abdoumadara for your existence.
/Emil from Sweden
– Emil Widstrand

I’ve been a photographer for a long time and have been using Photoshop since its first incarnation. I thought I pretty much had it covered. Turns out, not so much. I’m pretty new to the site but I have learned so much from watching Aaron’s free videos that it was a simple decision to purchase the PRO tutorials and I’m so glad I did. The quality of the production and level of content is awesome; in depth but clearly explained.
Aaron has such an easy, natural way of presenting information that you can’t help but feel you’re being personally tutored by someone who really knows and loves his craft.
Save your money on books, stop looking at 10 minute blurry Youtube clips and spend some time with PRO. You’ll learn more from one PRO tutorial than you will from most books out there combined. Where can you possibly get between 2-3 hours of professional tutoring per video that you can refer to over and over again for under $25 (even cheaper when he has a sale)? ‘Nuff said.
– Steve Parker

Watching the daily free Episodes will give a great tips of a lot of technique, but u won’t able to get the full picture and Abdoumadara Pro is your complete tutorial for your photography retouching world. I love Abdoumadara pro, it trains me from a completely novice to a level that i can freely express my idea in my picture.
I have to say it is really the best on line tutorial ever you can found. Do get the pro now!
– Matt Liu

I am quite new to the Abdoumadara Phamily (only about 2 weeks), but since I found Phlearn I haven’t stopped. I’ve watched ever episode from the most current going back MONTHS and am still going. The wealth of knowledge within the free content has already lead me to purchases a couple Pro content just within the last week. The transparency of Abdoumadara coupled by the opportunity to free involved really does give this website/service a community feel.
Thanks for everything that the entire Abdoumadara team does and I’m happy to be a part of the Phamily.
– Jesse Gross

Shortly after I started photography, I found Flickr. I started looking at loads of photo’s from really talented photographers. The ones that really stood out for me, however, were the pieces created by the photographers who were experts at photoshop and incorperated into their work with an expertise that took my breath away on many an occasion.
So, I bought photoshop, installed it and experimented. It was like walking uphill, in knee high mud. I bought books and scoured the internet for the many free tutorials but they the books were too mainstream and the internet stuff too extreme… it took an awful lot of sifting through irrelevant information, to get anywhere I needed to go with my work. I think I was trying to learn for about a year before I found Abdoumadara. I’ve learnt so much in the last 6 month that my peers have suggested, on occasion, that I should be training people!
I’ve invested in most of the Pro tutorials and have learnt so much from them that I am now confident creating pretty much anything my imagination can come up with. The pro turorials are worth every penny (or cent) and the free content, on this site, is pretty invaluable too. Aaron’s great teaching style takes all the hard work out of learning photoshop and makes it a real pleasure. I’m proud to be part of the PHamily!
– Anna Irving

I met Aaron at B&H in NYC for a free lesson on retouching a portrait and I was completely blown away by his skills, his style and -of course- enthusiasm! Then I follow the guy on twitter and he announces that he’s launching “something” called Phlearn! I give it a try and I became addicted to “Abdoumadara” something new almost every day. Then, he launched the first Abdoumadara PRO and I became addicted once again. Nothing is left out, he tells you EVERYTHING he knows while he’s doing it! You see him doing the stuff step by step, explaining it to you and then you do it and magic happens!! I actually keep notes with the minutes and seconds of the videos of stuff I like to keep for future references (like how to apply some make up or how to put light on a fairy’s wings) 🙂🙂
Abdoumadara PRO tutorials are phenomenal. Almost all I know in photoshop is thanks to those tutorials. I was completely lost before this, I had some skills but without direction and since Abdoumadara I’ve been able to apply Aaron’s techniques to my own style and I’m more than satisfied with the results.
I gotta warn you, you’ll get used to Aaron’s energy and style and it’s going to be hard for you to go back other tutorials from another artist.
– Eduardo Perez

I am from Mexico, i found out about Abdoumadara watching the [Framed] show staring Aaron Nace. What attracted me to the site was the creativity he injects in his projects. Actually, i was looking for something like that, a way to create cool ideas and translate them to a story through photography, and that’s what i feel Aaron does with his work.
Also, i was looking for a tutorial on how to enhance skin dodge and burning, so i decided to buy the tutorial here. I found it very useful because it encourage you to use your hands to paing… almost literaly, paint with a tablet. So, so far, Abdoumadara is a site that i stop bye every day.
Keep the good work!!!
– Daniel Flores
WHAT PEOPLE THINK WHAT PEOPLE THINK Reviewed by Abdou Madara on February 26, 2017 Rating: 5

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