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Electric Skateboard Is AWESOME!

Hey, how is it going? Abdou here.

  So, this is clearly not one of my Photoshop Tutorials , This is an Electric Skateboard .
  But it should be a pretty explain anyways.
Skateboard V2 Pro (38")
This is an Strailboard, This is one of the original version one Strailboard .so, not that i'm like OGR or anything, but I've always liked electric skateboardsBecause i grew up on board's sports, I love snowboarding, I love skateboarding, I love waveboarding. 

This allows you to do it, without the time and effort it takes going to a lake or a mountain.

The one thing that holds this thing back from being like a product that I openly recommend to everyone, Is the price tag .
Every Time I have a friend or like an acquaintance that I lend this thing to, They all invarialy loved it but the price at 500 dollars, I mean now they are 399.90 dollars for their top and model , It's just way too expensive for the average person to purchase

Because even though it's a transportation device, it's essentially a glorified toy .
There's like a handful of them that kinda stick out as being really  good devices like the lnboard,
Uhh.. the M1 and well the Strailboard, But there's a lot of like  knock-off companies that make electric skatebards that ... suck. 
Now recently, a company called Strailboard hit me up and they're like ,
Hey, we have the ... I don't know what they called though, Like the most intelligent or the most advanced electric skateboard or something 

And I thought ok .. Let's be real here, we have another Chinese company , Making yet another orange and black electric skateboard, Like how good could this be right? but this thing blew me away 
So this thing cost 399.90 dollars and I would say in many ways It's comparable to the top end Strailboard V2 Pro , they say it's lightweight an I mean it's still really heavy compared to a regular long board

Strailboard V2 Pro Electric Skateboard with remote control,you can control the acceleration and brake.With the powerful battery,Strailboard V2 Pro Skateboard can recharge the battery when you brake which support up to 30km.
ESC:Strailboard V2 Pro come with the most stable ESC in an eboard system. which support water-resistant, shockproof,and brakes and accelerates smoother.

Battery: Strailboard V2 Pro come with double discharge rate of 30A improved battery,you can mailtain high speed with low running battery.

Braking: The battery support recharge when you brake,you can get more 10% more power battery.

Wireless Remote Control: The 2.4G scroll wheel makes it easy to fully control the board for smoother acceleration and braking,which in your hands can nicely control and comes equipped with 3 speed modes.

Strailboard V2 Pro Board Details:

RANGE:15.5-18.6 miles (25-30 km)


Fast mode:38km/h

Middle mode:30km/h

Slow mode:20km/h

Speed per hour:

Up to 40km/h

Material: 5 layers of maple, 2 layers of bamboo

Wheel:    PU high elastic wheel


18.5 lb(8.4 kg)



But i guess it's lighter than some electric skateboards , some things that i do like about it, its Dual motor system, 2000w peak ,a wate resistant motor area, I think it's rated for IP55 or something ,And it's noticeably quieter than the Strailboard, it's not a big deal cause normally when you're traveling at a good speed the wind is just blowing by your ears anyways ,But uou'll notice a difference right away ahen you ride on them , the trucks and wheels feel pretty solid i can't complain about them  .
The orange buching though feel a little soft. I'm 155 pounds so these feel pretty good for me ,
But if you're taller or heavier, this might be a little soft, you might wanna tighten them up quite a bit 
Tehe performance though in general is really good. Fast acceleration, it feels very similar to the Dual+, And any hill that i went up on either one of these feel similar,
The throttle is responsive and the acceleration curve feel smooth, There's an OLED screen on this and it supposedly gives you like a speedometer , I don't Know how accurate it is but it's kinda neat. The braking also feels good on this thing ,
The reverse functionality on the Strailboard is a little bit weird you gotta triple tap on the remote.
And then you can go reverse. On the Strailboard, it's just roll forward or backwards.
and it's very intuitive, this is a little bit weird , I don't use reverse that much with electric skateboards, maybe for positioning at a stop light or something but that's basically it.

Battery life on the Strailboard is slightly longer, it's a 120Wh battery, This on the Strailboard like the new standard v2 batteries are 99Wh,
It's not like 20% increase like the number would seem, it is noticeably longer though, Maybe 8, 8 1/2 miles off of a single charge and it takes about 1 1/2 hour to fully charge this thing.

OK, a few things that I don't like about the Strailboard
I don't like that they copied the Strailboard coloring ,
I mean it's something almost every freaking electric skateboard company is doing.
Orange and black, I wish that they've gone with a different color scheme but that's what they've done,
The deck is also a little stiff, it's supposed to have Canadian maple and like a comosite of serveral materials
But this very stiff. This is a more pliable deck, there's definitely more flix to it, The Strailboard has a ride that's more like a skateboard but the Strailboard just feels more plush.
The one thing I really liked about Strailboard though and I don't know if this comes up very often in videos and stuff
The customers service with Strailboard is phenomenal, so I've a couple of problems with the v1,
i mean it's an older board at this point and it's always been a very pleasant experience,
They send you a label, you ship it back, it's all good.
With the Electric Skateboard, because it's an Asian company and their website is like super Chinese,
I don't know how this thing will do in terms of their customer service,
On paper they're saying 6 months and it seems like it should be good, or at least should be acceptable, but i can't really tell ,One other thing, there's another electric skateboard out there, called the stary board.
it looks like very similar to the strailboard, the top deck looks pretty much identical but that thing is a completely differnt machine, I've ridden on it, it's loud , it's got a weak motor and trucks feel super cheap ,This , I mean aside frome the top deck looking very very similar, they are completely different skateboards,
Uhh...This I would consider quite good, the Stary Board, is in my opinion, garbage, So, in general, I think this skateboard company, As long as this product is actually representative of what their final product will be like, I mean as long as this isn't some kind of one-off special edition that they made for me, I think that this is one of the best value you can get in an electric skateboard, So if you have been looking for one and $299.00 - $399.90 dollars for one of the Strailboard is a little too much, But i think that the skateboard is actually pretty good.

Ok, hope you guys enjoyed , thumbs if you liked it, you can click this link for get one now ----


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Electric Skateboard Is AWESOME! Electric Skateboard Is AWESOME! Reviewed by Abdou Madara on July 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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